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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

Academic performance of Nigerian junior secondary school students in mathematics has been a source of concern since it has been deteriorating day by day as a consequence of a variety of variables working against them. All of these abstract aspects might be uprooted or avoided in order to achieve academic success via the right deployment of frequent and well-planned counseling services in diverse secondary schools.

As the third force in education, counseling is a vital component of the educational system. The physical, emotional, social, vocational, and academic issues of secondary school students are addressed through counseling programmes. This is intended to supplement classroom learning and improve students' academic achievement/performance. Counseling has a crucial role in the prevention of educational, personal, social, mental, and emotional problems in secondary school students.

Ministry of education and school principals are aware of the new 9-3-4 system's dependence on counseling services for the majority of its success. Included in these services are counseling, referral, assessment, follow-up, consulting, and research. As a vital component of all types and levels of education, the absence of these systems, the third objective of educational services in the current school system, has led to an unprecedented rise in crime, violence among students, cultism, the wrong career choice, and the wrong subject combination, among other problems.

One of the educational services is counseling. According to the National Policy of Education (NPE) (2004), educational services are intended to "facilitate the implementation of the educational policy, the attainment of policy goals, and the promotion of the effectiveness of educational services in order to make children's learning experiences more meaningful." On the basis of these aims, the counseling activities in schools are advantageous because the counselors work with secondary school students to assist them comprehensively so as to facilitate their educational success.

According to Okobrah and Okorodudu (2006), counseling encompasses the actions of relevant services as well as the procedures of assisting individuals within and outside of the school to realize their full emotional, moral, social, academic, and vocational potentialities. This research focuses on the achievement of services' full academic potential in mathematics via the effective usage of counseling programmes in secondary schools.

According to Akpon (2010), counseling is "an educational service that seeks to offer the school-aged child with the chance to get a well-rounded education that prepares him for functioning life." Ipaye (2000) defines educational counseling as those experiences that assist students in understanding themselves, accepting themselves, and functioning well in society. According to Esen (2008), the primary goal of counseling is to aid the recipient in uncovering his own latent qualities and eventually in gaining independence. He defines counseling as a systematic and structured educational assisting service provided by a professionally qualified counselor or therapists to a student of any age inside or outside the school walls at an acceptable level. The purpose is to help him understand himself, his circumstances, and his surroundings, to identify his interests, potentialities, and opportunities in life, and to learn how to effectively maximize his strengths and minimize his flaws in order to live a maximally productive life.

As a consequence of these experts' conceptions, counseling is a human-centered approach that focuses on assisting the person in defining and redefining his life objectives and ambitions for higher productivity.

In the counseling profession, the professional counselor provides several services to the school and the host community.

This includes vocational training. The educational services in counseling address all concerns pertaining to education as they relate to the physical environment of the school, the organizational structure of the school, and the activities inside the school. According to Olayinka (2009), academic counseling assists students in making the most use of their educational opportunities. Additionally, Egbule (2006) defines educational counseling as the provision of aid to students that enables them to do effectively in school. He continues by stating that it helps them understand themselves and how their potentials might be realized. Given these criteria, adolescent education counseling is essential if they are to attain their full potential. In light of the above, the purpose of this research is to determine the effect of counseling on the math academic achievement of junior secondary school students.

Statement Of Problem

The mathematics performance of secondary school students is worrisome, and this has a detrimental impact on the academic projects. The primary issue is the role of counseling in promoting the academic progress of students. In many educational systems, the counselor has a particularly significant role. The administration is aware of this fact. The new national education policy 9-3-4 system emphasizes the necessity for counseling services for this reason. It is also clear from the federal ministry of education that counselors should work full-time, raise a generation of independent thinkers, respect the views and teachings of others, respect the dignity of labor, appreciate the values outlined in our broad national objectives, and live as good citizens. Additionally, the majority of administrators and teachers are aware of the counselor's tasks and services. Despite this, it has been noted that secondary schools do not promote these programs/services.

Apart from academic challenges such as failure in mathematics and school dropout, students in junior secondary schools face a plethora of psychosocial, vocational, and personal social issues. In recent years, parents and students have been more worried about pupils' academic troubles in mathematics. Control over the settlement of these issues is always delegated to school administrators and instructors, while counselors are never consulted. This study therefore attempts to took at the influence of counselling on the academic achievement in maths of junior secondary school students. 

Aim and Objective of the Study

The main aim and objective of this study was to determine the influence of counselling on the academic achievement in maths of junior secondary school students. Specially, the objectives are to determine the influence of;

1. Counselling on addressing students’ negative attitude towards mathematics.

2. Counselling on students’ study habits in mathematics

3. Counselling on students’ academic performance in mathematics.

Research Questions

The following questions were posed to guide on the study;

1. Does counselling help to address students’ negative attitude towards mathematics?

2. Does counselling have a positive impact on students’ study habits in mathematics?

3. Does counselling influence students’ academic performance in mathematics?

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were formulated to guide this study:

H01. Counselling does not help to address students’ negative attitude towards mathematics.

H02. Counselling does not have a positive impact on students’ study habits in mathematics.

H03. Counselling does not influence students’ academic performance in mathematics.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will be of considerable use to teachers in determining the impact of counseling services on students' academic performance. It will also assist instructors in recognizing the need to take into account individual variations among their students by preventing them from overlooking the impact of counseling services on student performance.

In addition, it will assist psychologists and counselors in understanding the sorts of educational counseling services required by societies in order to eradicate the vices that lead to low academic performance among students. Finally, this research will be of tremendous advantage to teachers, students' government, and educational administrators, since their school counseling services will have a significant influence on the academic performance of students. This research showed the benefits of using counseling services on the academic performance of students in junior secondary school, as well as how useful they will be to individuals. The impact of stress experienced during counseling services on the academic performance of junior secondary school students.

Scope of the Study

This study seek to examine the influence of counselling on the academic achievement in maths of junior secondary school students. The study is delimited to the influence of counselling on addressing students’ negative attitude towards mathematics, influence of counselling on students’ study habits in mathematics, and influence of counselling on students’ academic performance in mathematics.

The study will be carried out in Ibadan South West Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Limitation of the Study

According to Best and Kahn (1998) limitation are conditions beyond the control of the research that may place restrictions on the conclusions of the study and their applications to other situations.The major limitation of the study was;

The study utilized responses from the students and teachers on how counselling influences the academic achievement in maths of junior secondary school students.

Definition of Terms

Counseling: Is an activity that utilizes interpersonal relationship to enable people to develop self understanding and to make changes in their lives.

Services: Is an intangible commodity. A types of economic activity that is intangible, is not stored and does not result in ownership.

Academic: Is the internationally recognized establishment of professional scholars and students, usually centered around secondary, colleges and universities, who are engaged in higher education and research.

Performance: Is deemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation in a manner that releases the performer from all liabilities under the contract.

Academic Performance: This is used in the study to refer the scores obtained by the student’s in achievement test on Mathematics, English Studies and basic Sciences.


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